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We are a group of 16 Asheville community members facing felony charges as part of the city government’s attempt to repress food sharing and mutual aid organizing, targeted in connection with a December 2021 demonstration in Aston Park criticizing the City government’s inhumane treatment of homeless folks.
Our current need for public support is in sharing our story and contacting Asheville officials.
@avlsurvival on instagram; share our statements, talk about what is happening with your friends and neighbors. Bring this bananas state repression into the light!
- APD Chief Zack’s Office 828-259-5813
- City Manager Deborah Campbell’s office at 828-259-5604.
- District Attorney Todd William’s office at (828) 259-3410
- Email City Council:
Points you might make:
Prosecuting felony charges, police harassment, arrests and bans from public parks are a waste of the city’s resources and do nothing to increase the safety of our community.
I (insert name if you want to) stand in solidarity with the defendants and the homeless community against your larger efforts to damage our networks of community support and make life unlivable for those on the streets.
I call upon the District Attorney, Todd Williams, to drop the charges against the Sanctuary Camp Defendants. I call on the City and APD to end their program of harassment of homeless community members and those who act in solidarity with them.”